Exploring the
fabrication of
data physicalisations

Lora OehlbergVisiting academic

Lora Oehlberg is a Canadian-based Computer Science researcher. Her work addresses how technology can better support creativity, collaboration, and curiosity in a range of domains, including interaction design, electronic fashion, improvised digital fabrication, physical data representations, improvised theatre, and healthcare innovation.

Lora is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Calgary in Canada and one of the faculty directors of the Interactions Lab (iLab). She is currently on sabbatical, and spending some of this time as a visiting academic at SensiLab. Prior to the University of Calgary, she was a post-doctoral researcher at Inria Saclay (France), interned with product development groups at Autodesk and at Apple, and was a research intern at the Palo Alto Research Centre and the Stanford Centre for Design Research.

She has a PhD and MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley, and a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University.

While at SensiLab, Lora worked with researchers on  exploring new kinds of data physicalisation – a way of visualising data through physical practices, such as crochet.