As we approach the end of the year, it’s good to look back on our achievements in 2018 and our plans for 2019. Over the last 12 months, members of the SensiLab team have been all over the world. From Moscow to Montreal, Linz to London, Adelaide to Ballarat, Phnom Penh to Rhode Island, Dublin to Copenhagen — we are certainly getting our research and ideas out into the world.
This marks the first year in our new, custom designed space, part of the ‘SensiLab magic’ that seeks to redefine what a trans-disciplinary, inclusive research space can be. Our tours always leave guests brimming with enthusiasm and wonder. Many of our visiting alumni — invited back to Monash to see how it has changed — were often heard to proclaim, “if only SensiLab was available when I was a student here!”.
We have benefited enormously from our commercial partnerships and sponsors this year. Our imaging studios are equipped with the latest Cinema and digital video tools from Blackmagic Design. Our continuing relationship with NVIDIA means we are always working with state-of-the-art deep learning and high-end graphics hardware. We’re also incredibly fortunate to be supported by the Roland Corporation of Japan, who are assisting us with our creative AI work in music and percussion.