31 October 2018

Museums, Media and Communication

Vince Dziekan, along with colleagues from Denmark and the UK, has written a new book, The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication, which ‘explores what it means to take mediated communication as a key concept for museum studies and as a sensitizing lens for media-related museum practice on the ground.’

‘The museum we find today is substantially different to the one that existed before the so-called digital revolution and the advent of the Web. And we experience this transformation in very direct, immediate ways, but other changes are less-obvious and deeply systemic,’ explains Vince.

‘This research project explores the wholesale mediatization of museums in a comprehensive and interdisciplinary way – rehearsing new subject alignments (between museum studies, media studies and design) that break new ground by reframing media-related museum practices –including disruptive ways that we find digital processes, social media and creative technology being applied– and proposing a more inclusive understanding of current museum developments. Not just too show how to critically study museums, but how to go about being a museum in today’s post-digital world.’

The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication is currently available for pre-order. It will be published on 9 November 2018.