Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia; increasing at a faster rate than other chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. Among other complications, nerve damage can cause a lack of feeling in patients’ feet, meaning cuts and sores may go unnoticed and eventually become infected or ulcerated. If severe enough, this can lead to amputation. Research has shown that creating effective ways for patients and health care practitioners to proactively prevent damage can prevent serious complications and amputations. SensiLab is collaborating with Monash Health, Health Collab (MADA) and industry partner Blundstone, to develop a new device that can help with early detection.
Through research and interviews with stakeholders from Monash Health our research partners have highlighted issues and opportunities for interventions in the treatment and prevention of complications in patients’ feet. Working collaboratively with these partners SensiLab is developing a ‘smart shoe’ that can track changes in the way patients walk in order to spot early warning signs of possible damage.